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National Junk Food Day Buttons

July 13th, 2015

 July 21st is National Junk Day and we have the perfect buttons to show appreciate for your favorite snacks!


 [1] A handheld cake. It's perfect. These bad boys are so convenient that it's hard not to have more than one...or four.
[2] Bacon lovers, this one's for you. If only this were real. But hey, maybe people will try pushing your button to find out!
[3] We completely agree with this statement. Now that's my kind of diet, but I don't think your personal trainer probably doesn't think so! 
[4] Glazed, frosted, jelly-filled, Boston Creme... too many to choose from! A donut is great for any situation. Who wouldn't appreciate a donut at any given time?
[5] I doubt there are any junk food haters out there, but I'm going to leave this here for the sarcastic nature of this button. But maybe the health nuts want to partake in the holiday too.