If you are a lover of all things living in a strong way, or maybe you're vegan and an animal activist, then these buttons were made with you in mind.
{1} Fur is Dead
Pun intended here. Not only is fur so last season, but it also kills. So before you invest a month's worth of pay into that fur coat, think faux.
{2} Cows
With a whole array of "save the" buttons, this one is to save those mooing creatures that bring us milk, not steak.
{3} Deer
Hunters beware; as an animal activist it is our job to protest your hobbie. Why don't you take up knitting instead?
{4} Squirrels
For all of toothless hillbillies out there cooking squirrel stew for dinner, think twice before you kill those cute little rodents.
{5} Pigs
Oink oink! How could someone ever slaughter such round little animals? Bacon isn't worth the fat, or the kill.
{6} Rabbits
I thought rabbit hunters were only for cartoons. For all of your Elmer Fudd's out there, rabbits are far less harmful than us humans.
{7} Turtle
Turtle shells can be worth some great money, however, no life is worth a pay check, especially these harmless reptiles.
{8} Animal Activists
One of the most endangered species it seems, is our population in itself. Spread the animal love and keep us alive.
{9} Feelings
One of our largest points, animals have minds and souls as we do, therefore they have feelings. Don't kill them!
{10} Murder
Do you really want to have this weighing on your conscious? Keep your record clean and don't kill for sport or "fun."