We gladly accept design requests by mail. You can send us photos, sketches, or even thin objects like fabric you think we can make into a button. You can mail your design to the following address:
Wacky Buttons, Inc.
101 Lincoln Parkway Suite A
East Rochester, NY 14445
Also be sure to include the following information:
- Your Name
- Your Email address
- Your phone number
- Any other information you think we need to know about your design.
Please do not send any form of payment when you mail in your design unless you contact us and we tell you.
What happens after we receive your artwork in the mail:
- We send you an email informing you that we successfully received your request in the mail.
- We setup your art work to be printed.
- If your design was a picture, printed art, or drawing, we either photograph or scan it and set it up digitally.
- We email you a preview of how your buttons will look along with instructions on how to order your buttons online.
- Please note: Anything you mail to us may not get returned. If you send us a button we may have to take the button apart in order to scan the image printed on your button.
If you send us something that we are not able to photograph or scan we will contact you and explain how to proceed. Also if you cannot receive email please let us know before sending your design. If you do not include any contact information with your artwork you mail us we will send it back since we cannot do anything with it.