Our paid design services are excellent if you need artwork turned around really fast, if you are a company or organization in need of professional graphic design, or if you just have a really complex design and want the best service possible from a professional graphic designer. Below are a couple examples of what our paid services are used for.
Multiple designs (numbered buttons, name buttons, etc...)
Our standard free service only allows on average 10 designs per day per customer. If you want buttons that are numbered or have individual names printed on them and you need a fast turnaround then our paid design services are the solution. We have artists that can turnaround 200-500 different designs within 24 hours.
$1.00 per design for up to 200 different designs to be turned around within 24 hours.
More than 200 designs can be turned around within 24 hours upon negotiation.
Personalized design or logo from scratch (like a caricature, cartoon, or detailed graphic)
If you want something designed from scratch like a cartoon or detailed graphic that could take someone a couple of hours to design.
$40 per hour
*note: this time frame is estimated by the artist and you are charged for the estimated price. If it takes longer for the artist to complete you are not charged extra.
Company logo and identity branding
If you have a company or organization and you are looking for a permanent logo which people will identify your company by. Our artists will put together a package of logo and identity options for you. After you decide on the design you like best we will put together a visual identity guide which specifics the professional guidelines for identifying your company. You can provide this guide to other professional graphic designers which they will know how to follow so that your logo or design can be printed the same way professionally.
$40 per hour
*note: this time frame is estimated by the artist and you are charged for the estimated price. If it takes longer for the artist to complete you are not charged extra.
Other Really detailed or intricate design work
$40 per hour
*note: this time frame is estimated by the artist and you are charged for the estimated price. If it takes longer for the artist to complete you are not charged extra.
All prices are quoted at a flat rate. This means the price we originally quote you is what you pay.
All professional design work must be prepaid.
An artist may decide to charge you for changes only if an artist completes your project and the changes you request are complex and will take a lot more time to complete.
Once payment is received the graphic artist will work with you to complete your project in the fastest time possible. All artwork is subcontracted by Wacky Buttons, Inc. Our company acts as a 3rd party for communication purposes to protect the identity of the artist involved with your project. A representative from Wacky Buttons will relay all correspondence back and forth with you and the artist or artists involved with your project.
To get started just send us an email detailing your request.