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Wacky Buttons Blog

« Christmas ButtonsFill In The Bank »


December 14th, 2015

These buttons are hand picked for not only those shopping addicts out there, but also for those in the giving mood because of the season. Here are some perfectly applicable buttons for the shopaholic in all of us.

{1} I Love Shopping
Do you find sport in shopping? Do you walk into just about any store and find something you want to buy? Then this button is for you! Wear it loud, wear it proud; I love shopping.


{2} Wine
Who said shopping only has to be for clothes? Sometimes the best way to unwind after a long day (of working or shopping) is with a glass (or bottle) of wine. It can be one of your smartest investments.

{3} No Regrets
After spending money, some people may feel guilty about their purchases, but not a shopaholic! No purchase is regretted. This button can remind you not to regret if you start to feel guilty.

{4} I <3 Money
Money is the gateway to a shopholic's addiction. Without money we cannot make purchases, and the bliss of shopping is over. This button is the truth behind every shopaholic's mindset.

{5} Receiving All Needs
Not to sound spoiled or anything, but this button is kind of the truth. When you're addicted to shopping then of course you receive everything you need, because you purchase it yourself!

{6} Carry Bags
This button is like meditation to a shopaholic's ears. Keep calm and carry bags...full of freshly purchased items from the nearest shopping mall.

{7} Working
The money is the motivator here; to support a shopaholic's habits one must work. Therefore this button is completely accurate when saying "will work for money."

{8} Local
A smart shopaholic will shop local for various reasons: to support their community, but to also build relationships with the shop owners and hopefully receive special discounts and promotions! Show your support with this button!

{9} Seen a Mall
For a shopaholic the shopping addiction revolves around your entire thought process, like even subtle puns such as the one on this button.

{10} I <3 Shopping
We've said it once and we'll say it again, retail therapy is the way to a shopaholic's heart. This button is in clear agreement with that.