The 4th of July is such an exciting holiday with parades and fireworks, and of course, picnics! Display your patriotism proudly with these top 25 buttons for the day.
[1] The quintessential symbol of the USA!
[2] Whether you serve, have served, or love someone in the navy, here is one to show your support
[3] Lady Liberty would look great pinned to your shirt on the 4th!
[4] You can show your love for our country any day of the year...magnetize it for a kitchen accessory!
[5] For your soldier in the sky
[6] Pass these out at your picnic for a festive touch
[7] These would be awesome to hand out at a parade or fireworks show
[8] Another great pin to show military support
[9] This would be cool to add a bottle opener on the back... great party favors!
[10] Regardless of when you've served, this button will earn you the gratitude you deserve
[11] Another great American symbol: the Eagle! This one reminds us of the true meaning behind the holiday.
[12] For God and Country!
[13] We salute all those who have fought for our country in years past!
[14] "...for spacious skies!" A beautiful holiday derserves a beautiful way to pay tribute.
[15] Army strong!
[16]Is Blue your favorite color? Then sport it as part of the American flag! We also have red and white.
[17] An obvious choice for the day. Hey, maybe it's your lucky number too!
[18] Going to see a fireworks show? Bring them home with you after it's over!
[19] America has always come together to support each other and as a nation
[20] Give these to guests at your barbecue, or hand out to strangers at the parade!
[21] Bonfires are the best way to keep the party going late into the night
[22] This vintage-looking button is a cool tribute to the colonial days when it all happened
[23] A punny take on the national bird, and a great american pasttime!
[24] A tragedy that brought the country together is remembered on the holiday
[25] The celebrations don't have to end on the 4th, keep it going all month long!