This is for all of those families out there who sometimes need to give their spouse, children, or house guest a friendly reminder. If you are adamant about your hobbies or beliefs, there's a good chance one of these buttons will hit home for you.
1. I feel like this button is common for just about...anyone. Whether your kids like to keep the water running after washing their hands, or your husband simply loves hot, very long showers. Maybe they'll cut back for the fishies.
2. It is a common thing for people to leave their TV on while they aren't home no matter the excuse. "I leave it on for the pets." "I was in a rush." "I want people to think someone's home." Either way a big red button should stand out to show them how serious you are.
3. Are you an anti-bullying activist, or just sick of others not raising their kids to be decent human beings? Well this button reminds not only your family, but other parents to teach them right from wrong, hopefully.
4. If you're a serious farmer, or just like the way flowers look, this button is perfect to wear on your apron or post on your fridge. You're a gardener and proud!
5. Do the people of your household just not get the hint! Chances are if you knit, you do it to relax. So when your kids come to you to whine about one another, or your husband comes to you about dinner, just toss them this button and they better back off.
6. Same goes for a serious scrapbooker. If your scrapbooking is your getaway, do not hesitate to make it known with a button.
7. This will forever be a battle in the house. Whether you live with friends, a significant other, or your entire family, somehow everyone has the excuse not to load their dishes into the dish washer. Well this button is sure to clear up all confusion.
8. Have a forgetful child, husband, or wife? This button is a great idea for a magnet to post on top of a permission slip, or just about any important paper work that would otherwise be forgotten.
9. This button can be used similarly. We are only human and we all forget, quite often, to put our bills or our rsvp's in the mailbox, this button works as a friendly reminder to do so!
10. Finally some alone time with your spouse or boyfriend, but have a pesty roommate or child who won't leave you alone for a minute? This button is sure to get the point across.